Tempest Witch Page 9
"I'm okay," I repeat for the third time, moving over so Mark can reach for Brianna's hand. "She split her head open when we got attacked and she fell on the sidewalk. I think she might've hit it at a corner. But she's okay. Right, Krista?"
The other witch nods, as she continues to minister to the wound. "She is, Mark. Bri is strong. She lost a lot of blood, but Sky did a good job keeping it contained."
Mark reaches over and takes my hand, holding it as tightly as he can. I grip it with the same intensity. Now that the adrenaline is dying down, the fear is setting in. Those things attacked us out of nowhere. They're getting bolder. They're getting smarter.
Once Krista begins working her healing magic, I get to my feet.
"I should probably clean up," I say, heading for the bathroom without waiting for a reply. Once the door is shut, I take a deep breath, letting myself feel, for just a moment. Krista is just on the other side of the door and I don't want to overwhelm her right now, so I keep most of the emotions under control. But the fear? The fear is there. No matter how much training we do, how prepared we think we are, we were still taken by surprise.
The knock on the door makes me jump and I almost giggle. It's been a while since I've been this on edge.
"I got you one of the t-shirts," Mason's voice comes from the other side of the door. I take another deep breath before I reach for the handle and swing the door open. He's leaning against the door frame, a shirt dangling from his fingers, and the sight of him messes with my emotions more than I could've predicted. Just like that, I can't stop staring at him and feeling everything. He must read my expression, because he doesn't hesitate to step inside and pull me into his arms.
My own arms wind around him, clinging to him with every fiber of my being. For a second I think I'm going to cry. But I don't. I just breathe him in and let that calm me from outside in. Mason's hands move up and down my back, soothing me and my racing heart. Giving him this glimpse of my vulnerability is the most I have ever done to another human being and it shatters everything. I know, from this moment on, I can never go back to being the solid impenetrable fort. I've let him in. Not only him, but this whole town.
With his arms around me, I know that I will never feel alone again.
And that solidifies every single promise I've made to myself.
This town will survive this war and this family will stay whole. I vow to do whatever it takes to make it happen.
"I can feel the determination in your body," Mason whispers against my hair. The natural thing here would be to pull away, but I just bury myself deeper into him. He doesn't seem to mind.
"I was scared, Mason," I whisper, knowing that he'll hear me. "So scared that I couldn't do anything. And then I did. And then I was scared all over again that it wasn't enough."
"But it was. You saved Brianna and yourself. You can't forget that."
"Will that be enough when the time for the ritual comes? Because I'm still operating at half energy and I can't seem to get past that."
"Skylar," Mason begins, pulling back so he can peer down into my eyes. "You are enough. Don't you ever doubt that."
At that moment, with his gorgeous eyes trained on me, I don't.
"Are we actually doing this?" Harper asks, as we stand around the table in their dining room. This is the place I first met all of these individuals. In the month that I've been here, they've become like family. Now, we're about to embark on something that's never been done and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t terrified.
"We don't really have a choice," Krista replies, reaching over and placing her hand over Harper's.
Bri is the only one sitting, her head still spinning from the blood loss and the trauma. It's only been about five hours since the creatures came, but we can't wait anymore. We all realize the importance of this, but it doesn't make me any less nervous.
"We need to be in the forest to do this," Harper says. She hasn't left Bri's side since she came back to find her sister injured.
“But don't we have to wait for full moon?” Harper asks, one hand gripping Bri's, the other Krista's. Connor stands right at her back, a hand on her waist, as if to keep her steady. Involuntarily, my eyes drift over to Mason, who's already watching me. Because I'm still a coward, I divert my eyes instantly.
"We could, but that's still two days away. Waxing gibbous moon will work just as well. Maybe even better. Vivid detail is vital here and that's the best during this moon period." Bri replies, while Mark nods. The two of them have done extensive research on the matter, even traveling to different covens to see if others may have an idea that would help. It wasn't until Nolan brought one of the sacred fae texts that they found this ritual. It's the only option we have and that's scary all in itself.
"Let's head out in two hours," Bri continues, glancing around the room. Everyone nods, before dispersing. "You and I need to get supplies," she say, turning to Mark. I want to call out and say I can help, but it seems the two of them need some time alone. He helps her out of the chair, and she leans heavily on him. They hold onto each other in that kind of a way that feels intense and romantic.
And so, after a moment, Mason and I are the only two left in the room.
He stays on the other side of the table, waiting me out. The last few hours were incredibly overwhelming and that's not letting up anytime soon.
"Want to take a walk?" Mason asks, breaking the silence. I nod, automatically, and follow him as he walks out the back door. We step out into the evening, the chill all around. But neither one of us turns around and goes back inside. I'm desperate for this time together and I think he is too.
We walk in silence for a bit, ending up at the edge of the woods. In just few short hours we'll be going in there, to perform a ritual that hasn't been heard of in centuries, to try and keep this evil contained. I'd be stupid if I wasn't nervous.
"You know it'll be okay," Mason says, and I glance over at him. He's looking out into the forest, his body tense beside me. A desire to reach for him nearly overwhelms me and I don't fight it. I entwine our fingers, making him jump. It's as unexpected for him as it is for me. But my hand fits perfectly inside of his, and the warmth spreads throughout the rest of my body.
We stop, chuckling a little. It's that awkward stage, like kids in middle school, who are unsure of what to say or what to do. That's where we have arrived. Can I really say what's on my heart? I've never been the one for words.
"Do you want to spar?"
"What?" His question takes me completely by surprise. He stops walking, and turns to stand facing me. Glancing up, I find a small smile on his face as he brings his arms up to block. "You're serious?"
"Of course. Don't tell me you're not up for it."
"Oh, I am always up for it," I grin, planting my feet in the same motion. There's no hesitation in my movements as I attack. His body moves, anticipating my jabs, before I hit him with an uppercut. Mason stays with me as we begin dancing around the yard, both of us in full concentration. Right cross, left cross, right cross, knee kick. Mason blocks them all, but now I'm in a steady rhythm. Sweat begins to pool at my brow, while my body relaxes with practiced moves. This, I don't have to think about. This, I know how to do.
Mason doesn't take it easy on me. He knows I need this, and so when I finally land a kick, he doubles over but comes up striking. It's my turn to defend, and I manage to stand my ground. But only just. He grabs me around the thighs, picking me up and dropping me down onto my back. I try to roll away, but he's on me. My knee comes up, connecting with his groin, but I'm no longer vicious about my movements. With Mason's body on top of mine, I'm alert for all kinds of different reasons.
I think he senses the change in me, or maybe he's the one who changed first, but suddenly, my hands are pulled above my head and instead of kicking my left leg is caging him in.
"Does this mean I win?" He pants above me. The adrenaline that's rushing through me is making my whole b
ody vibrate.
"It means you cheated."
"Excuse me? How do you figure that?"
"You distracted me."
"With what?"
His eyes flash at my admission, the closest I've gotten to telling him that he affects me a certain way. But the ritual is about to change everything for us. I might not even come out of it alive.
I know that that particular outcome hasn't been discussed as much, but it's there, in the back of all of our minds. Magic is unpredictable, even under normal circumstances. We're trying something that hasn't been done in generations. Who's to say we're to come out of it alive?
And yes, a part of me has kept this distance between Mason and me for this exact reason. Knowing that I might lose myself, I can't fathom leaving Mason with the knowledge of how I feel. But he's feeling it too, I can see it in every breath he takes. So now, the only thing I'm doing is preventing us from having this moment together.
He sees the change in me, and with his own desire mirrored on his face, my magic calls to his. There's no denying it. He's my person, my shifter, and I'll be stupid not to do what I've wanted to do since the day I met him.
I slip my hand out of his grasp, before I pull him down and crash my lips with his. He doesn't hesitate to answer in kind, pulling me towards him with his arm and devouring me with his mouth. The magic I've felt my whole life doesn't compare to the magic I feel when I'm kissing him. We flip over, him beneath me, as I continue my exploration.
He tastes like every promise and every dream. He feels like adventure and comfort.
I've heard one of the girls say that and I didn't understand it until this very moment. He's the other part of me and the intensity of that truth sets my heart on fire.
His hands explore my body, pulling me close and closer still and I can't get enough of him. We should come up for air, but I don't want to stop. I never want to stop.
When someone shouts my name, my body jerks to attention.
"Sky, it's time."
I glance down at Mason, placing my forehead against his and stealing a quick kiss, before I scramble off him. When he stands beside me and offers me his hand, I don't hesitate to take it.
This is it. The time has come for me to do what I came here to do. As I entwine my fingers with Mason's I realize that I've got more than I bargained for and my heart is full.
There are nine of us heading into the woods, with the rest of Jefferson's pack already there, creating a perimeter. Meredith Hawthorne leads the way as Brianna, Harper, Krista, and I follow. Mark, Connor, Nolan, and Mason bring up the rear, keeping at a distance. This isn't about them, but they'll be here if we need them, and that knowledge comforts my heart.
The rest of the elders are at the Town's Hall. I'm surprised more didn't want to be here, but it's understandable since there's nothing they can do. They're doing their part by keeping the town safe, in case the Ancients use this as an opportunity to attack. A part of me is surprised Meredith is here, since she's the coven's leader and her successor is Bri. Both of them in the place of danger is like having the President and Vice President together at the front lines. Yet, I can't imagine Meredith not being here. It's her daughters who are in the thick of the battle.
When we reach the clearing near the river, my heart starts beating faster. Like a beacon, I can feel Mason's eyes on me and when I glance at him, he gives me an encouraging nod and a smile. He can tell I'm nervous, but so can everyone here. We're all on the same page.
"Spread out," Bri calls out, and the girls and I walk over to take our places. I stop in front of the river bank, my back to the water. Krista is on my left, Harper on my right, with Bri directly across from me. Meredith stops a few feet away, behind Bri, as if she's preparing to jump in if need be. The guys line up behind her. Mason is all the way on the right, in my line of sight, with Connor beside him. Nolan is all the way on the left, with Mark next to him. My eyes keep drifting to Mason and the water at my back keeps calling to me, but I force myself to focus on Bri.
"Place your items on the ground."
We've each been given supplies before we left. Before we can perform the ritual, we need to cleanse ourselves. While a big part of me wants to cleanse with water, recaning is the best use of our time. Bri has put together fennel oils and bundles for us.
"Let's begin."
We talked it over so we know what to do. Still, my body is alive with anticipation and a bit of fear. I reach down and open the little bottle of fennel oil. Slowly, I dab it on my wrists, behind my ears, and the middle of my forehead. The girls follow suit. Then, I pick up the first bundle of fresh fennel, walking towards Krista and dropping it a piece with each step. Once that's done and we’ve created a circle, we step inside. Harper and I meet at the bank of the water, each carrying a dried fennel. Bri and Krista are across from us.
As we light the plant, a woodsy anise aroma fills the air. Harper and I wave the bundles over each other's bodies, setting an intention of cleansing and protection. Once finished, we return to our places, leaving the plant smoking in a bowl at our feet.
At that moment, I realize something has changed in the air around us. The sky has blackened, the air charged with darkness.
"The Ancients know what we're doing," I whisper, but it's so quiet and still that everyone hears me. Not that they need to, they feel it too. I glance over at Krista, who's sweating all over and I realize she's holding it all in. Her Reader powers must be going haywire.
"Let's do this," Bri commands and we nod.
The girls close their eyes, and I follow suit. I smell the protective herb in the air, I feel the waning moon's light on my skin, and I call on my magic. It bubbles under my skin, ready to go to work. Bri begins to speak and I open my eyes to focus on her.
"Air and Fire,
Water and Earth,
Spirit of the Ancestors,
Do your work.
Cleanse and protect,
Cover us whole,
Let this town remain our home."
My skin grows hot, as if the moonlight carries the sting of the afternoon sun. I raise my hands in front of me, channeling my magic, before I spread my arms on either side of me.
"Protect and heal,
Protect and cleanse,
Protect and restore,
Protect, we request."
With that last word, I push my magic out through my palms, as it races towards Krista and Harper. I feel the moment our energies connect, their own magic flying towards me. The earth shakes beneath our feet with the impact, but we stand strong.
Wind begins to blow all around us, the water doing a crazy dance at my back. I can't tell if the nature is with us or against us, because everything feels completely out of control right now.
"Keep it steady!" Bri shouts to be heard over the noise of the storm. For a second, I think we've done it. We reached the point where the spell takes hold and spreads throughout the town. But then, I hear a low growl. My eyes snap over at Mason, surprised to see him in his wolf form. The others have shifted as well. Nolan is the largest fox I have ever seen and Mark is beside him, his battle magic making sparks at his fingertips.
"Something's wrong!" Krista yells, just as the earth shifts so hard all of us drop to our knees.
I'm not sure which of us screams, but the clearing is suddenly full of birds, sweeping down on us. The shifters attack, with Meredith leading the charge, but the girls and I have lost our focus long enough that the ritual isn't working.
At that moment, I feel something behind me and I twist to see a wave rising over me. I throw my magic up, just as it begins to fall, pushing at it with all my might. Keeping it at bay, I start moving backwards, as I hear sounds of battle all around me. A shadow creature zooms overhead, before I feel the heat of Bri's fire. Then, a laugh.
Something knocks me off my feet and the water crashes over us, soaking the ritual and sweeping it away. I gasp, flipping over to get to all
fours when I see Badb walk out of the forest.
"How very very foolish," she tsks, glancing around the clearing. A crow sits on her shoulder, and she's wearing the same dark dress as before. Her eyes find me and the smile that blossoms on her face sets my rage on fire. I launch myself at her, sending blasts of battle magic that she flicks away with no problems. When I get close enough to grab her, she flicks her wrist, knocking me to the ground. I gasp for breath, my body bruised all over, as she leans to look down at me.
"So much potential, so wasted," she smiles, as if she doesn't have a care in the world. I try to stand but she sends another shock through my system and I cry out instead. "You could be of a great asset to me, and mine," she waves her hand around, as the bird continue to swarm. "Are you really sure you are on the right side?"
There's no doubt in my mind I'm on the right side. No amount of pain or torture could change that. I think she realizes that the moment I look up at her. Her laugh rings out again.
"Pity," and she raises her hand, but I got my second wind back. I push myself at her, wrapping my arms around the waist, as I tackle her to the ground. But before we land, she's gone, bursting from me in her crow form. I twist where I land, blasting a shot of my battle magic at her, and she screams.
I slap my hands over my ears, unable to handle it as I watch the rest of my friends do the same. We're too vulnerable like this and she knows it. Even in the bird form, I can see the intent. She's about to deliver a blow we won't recover from, not while our ears are bleeding from her banshee scream.
My eyes find Mason, still in his wolf form, convulsing on the ground. With shifter hearing, the scream is affecting him even worse than the witches. Tears sting my eyes as I try to think, of anything, something, that I can do. When the first tear runs down my cheek, I jerk to attention. I know what needs to be done.
Breathing is becoming more difficult by the second, but I crawl toward the bank of the river with all the strength that I have left in my body. When my hand reaches the water, it's as if it pulls me right in and I plunge under it.