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Tempest Witch Page 8

  It's the kind of promise I've wanted even when I didn't know what I wanted. He smiles down at me and the heat off his body warms me right up. He places his hands on my upper arms, rubbing the towel over my shoulders. Without a moment's hesitation, I do the one thing that's incredibly unusual for me. I step right into him, wrapping my arms around his waist as I place my head on his chest. His body grows rigid for just a second, before his arms are around me and he's holding me as close as he possibly can.

  Right then and there, I realize that I will never be able to get over him. Whatever lies I may have told myself, I won't lie any longer. I've fallen for a wolf shifter and there's no going back.

  "There is so much information about her," I comment hours later, as I leaf through the book in front of me. Krista and I have been assigned research, while Mark and Brianna go over the final preparations for the ritual. Now that I'm a bit juiced up, we have to give it a try. I'm not sure if we can wait any longer.

  "While the Ancients have always been kept a secret, at least past generations knew how to keep some records," Krista replies, not looking up from her book.

  "What I'm reading has nothing to do with the coven's records." This time, she does look up. I raise the book so she can see the cover and she moves for a closer study.

  "This isn't one of ours," she confirms.

  "It's a human encyclopedia," I say, turning a few pages so I can show her what I found. "They talk a lot about these Ancients. They call Badb the Goddess of War."

  "Many of the Ancients are part of the mythologies around the world," Krista nods, looking over the page. The illustration is of a woman in a long black dress, with long black hair. She looks so intimidating and almost as if she's on the verge of shifting. After a closer study, I notice that the bottom of the dress is actually all feathers.

  "They talk about her as if she's not only this evil being, but a wise and enlightened one."

  Krista glances over at my words, and I'm not sure what I'm trying to say. Only maybe that we don't know as much as we think we do about the Ancients.

  "Don't let other people's interpretations cloud your judgement," Krista comments, clearly reading the confusion within me. I bristle at that, pushing away from the table.

  "Isn't that what all of these books are? Other people's opinions?"

  "Yes," Krista surprises me, "But tell me something. What did you feel in that forest?"

  I stop before I can get up to pace, my mind drifting back to that moment. The fear I felt in her presence, the evil that dripped off her every word.

  "I'm not a Reader," I say instead.

  "You don't have to be a Reader to know the truth." Krista says, turning to face me as I stand in front of the table. "Trust me, I've been where you are. I've experienced a sort of...goodness when it comes to an Ancient. I thought...I thought he was helpful. But in the end, he used me for his own benefit. I nearly destroyed this town and the people I love because of it."

  I've heard the short version of the story, but clearly there's a lot more to it than meets the eye. Krista's eyes get lots in a faraway look for just a moment, before she turns to me once more.

  "So you're saying I shouldn't trust everything I read."

  "I'm saying that our instincts and our magic are more powerful than the words in these books. Our ancestors chose what to write down and what to keep to themselves. That makes it difficult to trust everything that is in these books."

  "You're angry at them," I realize and she jerks her head in affirmation.

  "Aren't you? Even a little?" She replies, turning to glance down at the books. "They could've helped so much if only they thought to write things down. Why keep the Ancients such a secret, when they knew what a danger they are to our way of life?"

  I understand enough to know there's a lot more to what she's saying. Maybe there's someone close to her that kept a secret. I can't know everything she's going through, but I do take a seat beside her and place my hand over her.

  "We'll figure it out, Krista," I say, believing every word. "And when we do, we will write it down so that future generations are prepared. We'll do better."

  And that's a promise I intend to keep. In this and in my own life. It's so easy to fall into the routine of how things have always been. But we all know now that we won't survive like that. We have to trust our magic to guide us through.

  "You really think there's nothing good about them?" I ask needing an honest answer. It's not like I hold some notion to a goodness within the Ancients. I just want to know I've covered all my bases.

  "I don't think they've always been bad," Krista replies slowly, probably thinking about her own run in with them once more. Maybe she'll share the full story with me one day. "They've created so much beauty with their magic. There had to be goodness in them. But I don't believe any of it is left any more. Not since they decided to give into their desires and started wars over selfishness and jealousy."

  I nod, because that's exactly what I've been thinking. Nothing is ever just one side of the story. There's always more. But no matter how much this book may say that there are good qualities to Badb, Krista is still right. I felt nothing good in her. It's the kind of evil that makes the skin crawl.

  I glance down at the book, my eyes catching on a paragraph.

  "Look here," I say, pointing. Krista leans over and begins reading where I hold my finger. After a moment, she looks up.

  "It says Badb is associated with water. According to this mythology, the islands of the Underworld are hidden within water and she moves between the worlds, tending to it."

  "It could be a coincidence," I say, shrugging, "My water connection, and hers. There's no way she could've known."

  "I wouldn't be so sure."

  "But she took Mason."

  "Maybe she knew you'd follow."

  "How? When even I didn't know I would." Krista gives me a look, but I ignore it. Now is not the time to get into my feelings for the shifter.

  "The Ancients have much more magic than we do. They have oracles and visions, much like our community, but much stronger. We can't rule anything out right now."

  It's a scary truth, but undeniable. After all this, we are still in the unknown when it comes to what they can and can't do. The best we can hope for is that this ritual brings a hedge of protection around Hawthorne. To put the Ancients back into their cages. It won't keep forever, but we need to try.

  It's time.


  Hours later, I stand, stretching my body. It's gotten stiff, while I hunched over these books. Krista and I were able to gleam a lot of information about Badb and the sisters, but I'm not sure any of it is actually all that helpful. The crow is still a powerful Ancient and we still need to perform the ritual to see if we can keep her, and the others contained. But at least we have a better idea of how she would attack, if she chooses to do so.

  "Nolan and I are headed to dinner and you're welcome to join us," Krista says, as we step out of the library. Nolan jumps up on the sidewalk, as if she conjured him up, reaching for his girl and they share a quick hello kiss, before they turn to me.

  "Hello Skylar," Nolan greets me.

  "Hello, Nolan," I reply. A part of me wants to accept the invitation, but the other part doesn't want to be a third wheel. Miss Myla is still inside, and will be locking up in a little bit. Maybe I can just hang out with her. Maybe I can sneak over to the gym for some exercise. It's been a while since I've done so.

  "You guys go ahead," I say, giving them a warm smile.

  "Are you sure?" Krista asks, and I have to work at keeping my emotions in check. She can still pick them up, but if I'm not projecting, maybe she won't. She's pretty careful about reading her friends.

  "I am. I just want to rest."

  "Don't walk these streets alone," Nolan chimes in. "We can take you back to the house."

  "Oh, don't worry. I'll leave with Miss Myla. She's got an escort."

  That seems to pacify them, if only a little. Krista surprises me
when she steps over and gives me a quick hug.

  "Be careful, okay?"

  She doesn't wait for a response, but reaches for Nolan, as he takes her hand and tucks her close to his side. He gives me one long serious look, and then they're gone. It feels a little amazing, having all these people care about what happens to me. That's not exactly something I'm used to.

  I really don't want to go back to the library, but I also don't know what to do with myself. I'm feeling restless, so maybe seeing if I can get into the gym is the best idea.

  "You look very determined," a voice sounds from the shadows, "Do I want to know what's going on in that pretty head of yours?'

  When Mason steps out of the shadows, I'm already smiling.

  "Are you stalking me?"

  "Would you believe me if I said I was here to check out a book?" He asks, pointing to the building beside us. I give him a stern look, receiving one of his smiles in return. "Okay, fine. You caught me. I wanted to check on you."

  My heart warms instantly, million sensations racing through my body. I don't think I expected him to be so blunt, but honesty is something we both said we'd work on.

  "You know, I'm a big girl, Mason. I can take care of myself."

  "I think we both know I would never doubt your ability to take care of yourself. And whatever comes into your path. But it doesn't mean that I don't want to be there in case you need me."

  Isn't that the sweetest thing? He seems to understand my need for independence and celebrate it at the same time. Can't say I've ever been met with that reaction. Most men feel emasculate by a female who doesn't shy away from conflict. But here is Mason, completely embracing me for me.

  "So now that you're done stalking...I mean checking up on me," I begin, grinning up at him. "What are your plans for the rest of the evening?"

  "Well, I was going to ask this girl if she wanted to come on patrol with me."

  "Is that right?"

  "Yeah, but I'm not sure that's happening."

  "And why is that?"

  "She's kind of a tough one to crack. Never know what she's going to say."

  "Well maybe," I begin, stepping closer to Mason. "You should stop making up notions of her in your head and just ask."

  Then, I walk right past him, heading toward the Main Street. I have no doubts that he'll follow, but I don't expect him reach over and pull me to a stop by my hand.

  "Skylar," he begins, looking deeply into my eyes. He seems so unsure of himself at that moment that I don't even see the shifter within him. He's just a guy, talking to a girl, and that's as endearing as it sounds. "Would you come on patrol with me?"

  "I thought you'd never ask," I reply, without hesitation. He grins as I turn and begin walking. It takes him two strides to catch up to me. We fall into a comfortable silence, as I glance around the street and the buildings. The area around is as already deserted, as most of the visiting population is gone and the rest are in their assigned stations.

  "You know," Mason breaks the silence, "You are not the easiest person to get to know."

  "It's part of my charm," I shrug, when he reaches for my hand and pulls me to a stop. I glance over at him, wondering where this is going.

  He smiles at me and when he takes a step closer, I think I can get lost in him. My eyes flicker down to his lips, before rising back up. But Mason doesn't miss a thing and it's like his body is so attuned to mine, he's answering the question before I even ask it. He moves towards me the same moment I move towards him.

  We're barely a breath apart and I think I'm finally ready to take this next step. But then, a scream rips through the air and we spring apart as if on fire.

  "Brianna," we both say, as another sound comes from the direction of the herbal shop.

  We don't hesitate, we spring towards it as one.

  Brianna is standing right in front of her building, her witch's fire surrounding her like a shield. For a moment, I freeze in my track at the sight. I have never seen anything so breathtaking. She's in a bubble made of flames, and they move with her and around her as if they're dancing. Witch's fire isn't something that can be held by just anyone and all the stories that I've heard don't do it any justice.

  That's when I realize that she's the only thing that's illuminating the street. All the lights have gone out and the sky is blackened with clouds. The only reason I'm not blinded by it is because of my shifter magic. My eyes follow the trajectory of Brianna's fire and I see the cause for the panic. The shadow creatures are everywhere. They're zooming around, making my head spin. Some are trying to attach themselves to the others on the street, but Brianna is holding her own.

  A growl reaches my ears and I glance over to see Mason in his wolf form. His black fur shines in the darkness, like a beacon of hope in this darkened place. He turns to face me and the emotion in his eyes sets my skin on fire. But there's something else there that I don't get a chance to identify before he leaps, landing on one of the shadow creatures.

  "Mason!" I shout, as I watch them tumble to the ground. Mason's teeth are sunk deep into the creature, as it thrashes beneath him. The sight of him, jumping right into battle, springs me into action. Another scream reaches me and I realize the monsters are closing in on Brianna. After a quick look at Mason, I turn in her direction. My battle magic flares up at my fingertips, a feeling unlike anything I've felt before. My awakened shifter magic mingles with it, begging to be set free. And so I do.

  Still on the move I thrust my hand out, my mind going for the water hidden under our feet. It's much easier to find since I connected to it earlier and I call on it as I reach Brianna. The water shoots straight from the ground, knocking over two of the creatures advancing on my friend. I skid to a halt right beside Brianna. She grins at me, before we're standing back to back.

  "That's some impressive water trick," she says, as she blasts a creature with her fire.

  "Not as impressive as your witch's fire," I reply, sending up another wall of water. Suddenly, something hits me at my back and I drop face down. Pain ricochets through my body, while I try to push air into my lungs. Twisting, I land on my back and see that a creature came straight down and hit both Brianna and I at the same time. It advances on her, as she reaches for her head, and I see blood dripping from her temple. I don't think much longer, I reach.

  Launching my body at the creature, I pull on my years of boxing. I'm quick on my feet and I drive my weight to knock it off balance. It tumbles to the ground, as I somersault, landing on my feet. Before the creature can reorient itself I push all the water around me straight at it, completely encompassing it in a water bubble. Brianna is now up and I move the water bubble right in front of her. We share a quick look and it's like she knows exactly what I'm thinking. With a nod, I open up the water bubble as she blasts the creature with her fire. It screams with an unnatural shriek, before it races off into the darkness.

  Exhausted and breathing heavily, I reach Brianna right as she's about to collapse again. Catching her in my arms, we both stumble to the ground. My battle magic is still active, but as I glance up I see that the danger has passed. At least for the moment.

  "Do you see Mark?" Brianna asks, her words barely audible. Her blood is all over my clothes, as I try to stop the bleeding. Suddenly, Mason is beside me, still in his wolf form. He makes a noise at the back of his throat, bumping his head against my shoulder.

  "I'm okay, Mason," I say, wishing I could hug him, but too focused on Brianna. "The blood isn't mine." Brianna mumbles something else and I glance up at Mason again.

  "Find Mark, please. I need to get her to a healer."

  Mason takes off without a moment's hesitation.

  "Just hold on, Bri. Help is coming."

  "You finally called me Bri," she manages, a small smile on her face. She's right. Up until this point I held myself at a distance. That all got shattered the moment we were on front lines together.

  "I think we're basically sisters now, so it was about time." Bri smiles at that, her hand gri
pping my upper arm.

  "We are sisters, Sky," she whispers, before her arm grows slack.

  "Bri, stay with me. Stay awake. Come on, girl. Mark is going to be so unhappy with the both of us. I can't take the brunt of that on my own. Wake up."

  She mumbles something again, but her eyes stay shut.


  “Bri!” It's Krista who reaches us first. She looks like she was in a battle as well, covered in dirt and sweat. Krista lands on her knees beside us, her hands reaching out to her friend. She glances up, giving me a quick once over.

  "I'm fine," I say, "Tell me what to do.”

  "We need to stop the bleeding. And we need to get her inside."

  "I got her," Mason appears, in his human form once again, reaching for Bri. I stay close, keeping the corner of my shirt over her head wound. Krista races inside in front of us, and starts pulling a bunch of stuff off the shelves. Mason places Brianna on the couch as Krista reappears with some towels. I exchange my shirt for a towel, keeping it tightly over Bri's head.

  "Where's Mark?" I ask no one in particular.

  "He was with Harper and Connor at the council meeting." Krista says, coming back over once more. "Mason, can you get the water boiled. I need to clean and address the wound." He's on his feet in a flash, but I stop him before he can get anywhere.

  "Let me."

  I turn toward the kettle, concentrating on the substance inside. As naturally as breathing, my magic flares up and a second later, the water is boiling. Krista and Mason both watch me in fascination, before she's springing into action again.

  "You found your magic," Mason says, bringing the kettle over.

  "At least some of it. It's like it was with you. I got out of my head and there it is. Instinct."

  Mason gives me a quick smile, as the door to the shop bursts open and I hear voices. Mark rounds the corner, freezing in his tracks at the sight. Bri and I are both bloodied, with her passed out on the couch and me kneeling by her head. I'm sure we look a sight. He rushes over, dropping down next to me, glancing between his girlfriend and me.