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Blood of the Fae (The Fae Chronicles Book 2) Page 9


  I glance between the two fae, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who notices the tone in that one greeting. Curious.

  "Why are we needed back?" I decide to concentrate on the issue at hand. I'll have to ask Nora about Jerome later.

  "I'm not exactly sure. Only that it was urgent."

  I glance over at Derek and see him deep in thought. There's something going on, but I can't even begin to guess what it may be.

  "How urgent?" He finally asks.

  "Urgent enough that we need to leave now."

  My only thought is that I'm not ready. I need more time with the pages, I need more time with training. Going back now will be going into the lion's den with no protection. But I also realize I don't have a choice. The internal panic comes anyway. So that's great.

  I turn to Hannah, but she beats me to it. "I'll keep them safe. This place is still not on anyone's map." I nod at that and she looks like she's going to say something else, but she moves back away from the mirror instead. Julian and Derek move forward, not even questioning the orders.

  "Just like that? We're leaving?"

  I'm waiting for the guys to speak up, but they don't. Both of them just look resigned.

  "We need to go, Avery. Before the queen comes looking herself," Nora urges, holding out her hand to me. I guess we're not even going to grab our stuff or anything. Once again, the choice is taken from me, but this time, I at least expect it. The queen was bound to get restless. Or she decided on a new game.

  "If you need us, you know where to find us," Jerome calls out, and I realize that this is a goodbye for now. I almost say thank you, but I stop myself, giving them a smile instead. Hannah watches me steadily, and I hate that we didn't have time to talk about what happened. I have so many questions.

  My skin is still buzzing from the magic and I'm itching to get back to the book. But there's no way I'm taking the pages with me and therefore, I'm out of time and out of luck.

  The guys step through the portal first, and then Nora and I follow. We come out in my room, and it feels like I haven't even left. Even though it's been over a week now.

  I head for the door, but Nora stops me.

  "You can't go like that. She'll expect you looking like you've been in a forest for days."

  I glance down at my leggings and t-shirt, realizing she's right. I rush into the walk-in closet, with Nora right behind me. She pulls a dress out, as I tug the shirt over my head. It's a simple flowery dress, barely falling to my knees. The spaghetti straps are a little thicker, and when I pull it over my head, I feel like I'm going to a picnic in the park. I tug the leggings off and slip into some flats.


  "We'll just say your clothes was too disgusting for her majesty."

  "Good plan."

  We rush out of the closet, where the guys are waiting by the door. Derek gives me a quick once over, his eyes lighting up at the sight of me in this dress. I don't have time to process that because there's a knock on the door. Julian pulls it open to find guards on the other side.

  "She is to come with us," the one at the front says, nodding at me. Nora and Derek move to follow, but the guard puts up a hand. "Just her."

  We exchange a look, but it's not like we can argue. I give Derek one last look, and then I let the guards usher me out of my room and toward the queen.

  "Ah, good. You're here. Did you bring it back?" the queen asks, the moment we step into the throne room, her body lounging on the throne like it's a sofa.

  "We weren't able to locate it," I reply, and the queen doesn't even bother to look disappointed.

  "That is truly a shame," she says, and means the complete opposite. Even though I knew this was all a game to her, I'm still mad. She was never going to entrust me with any of her books. And now I'm not even that sure she has any. Maybe this was a test to see if I lead her to the book.

  "You have requested my presence urgently. We didn't want to delay," I reply, with my best smile. For a queen who's been in power for generations, I'm sure she sees right through it. But at least I tried.

  "Yes, the urgent matter." She stops then, as if she realizes something. "What are you wearing?"

  "My clothes were not presentable to be seen in." I smooth the skirt down over my thighs. The queen narrows her eyes, but doesn't comment farther.

  "Back to the matter at hand, I'm having a ball and you are to attend. It's time you've met the others within the Spring Court. That is all."

  Wait, what? She turns away from me, back to the fae sitting at her feet and I don't even want to know what they were doing before I came in. Or will continue to do when I leave. I'm dismissed just like that, and the guards usher me out before I can make a sound.

  A party? In a middle of a war? That sounds great.

  Nora is in my room when I return.

  "A ball? She's throwing a party?" I ask exasperated, the moment the door closes behind me. The queen is definitely keeping a close watch on me. My used to be shadows are full on ghosts now, following me whenever I go.

  “Technically, a revel. But I can't really explain that to you either," Nora says, standing near my walk in closet. She seems excited and so I bite.

  "Nora, what's in my closet?"

  The fae claps her hands together, before motioning to follow her. She does a sweeping motion over what hangs there and I can't believe my eyes.

  "Is that?"

  "Brand new. Just of you."

  "You outdone yourself." And I mean it. I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that the dress is the direct replica of the one I wore in my time leap in the house.

  The color is bright magenta, the shoulders open, with a halter top and a deep v-cut in the front. It stitches at my waist, before falling out in a flair skirt to the floor. It's elegant and simple, and so me. You'd think the color clashes with the green streaks in my hair, but it compliments it somehow instead.

  "You really like it?" Nora asks, and there's a strange catch in her voice. Glancing over at her, I find her watching me carefully.

  "Why wouldn't I?"

  "I'm not sure. I know it's more flashy than you like, but once I got the idea in my head, I couldn't let it go."

  It really is a beautiful gown, even though the whole situation seems strange. But then again, is it really that strange? If what I saw in the house was truly the future, or one possibility of it, this dress was bound to come around. I guess maybe I didn't want it to be, because I didn't like the way I felt in that garden with Derek. It's what I remember more than I even remember what we were talking about.

  "You did a lovely job, Nora." It's the closest to a thank you that I will get with her, but it's enough. She beams at me, satisfied. "Do you know anything about this ball?"

  Nora sobers up instantly, and I knew something was up with this party besides what's on the surface.

  "I can't be sure of anything, Avery."


  "But there has been talk that the queen has a special announcement to make. All the top families are commanded to be there. The preparations have been going on for a few days now."

  "And you have no idea what it could be?"

  Nora shakes her head, as I try to come up with possibilities. She ended our mission before we managed to get anything done. Granted, she didn't exactly know we weren't looking for her books. But still. If she wanted me to have the books, there's a way for her to get them to me. If she wanted to help, she would.

  There has to be some devious plan behind this sudden party. The land around her is turmoil, the Ancients are pressing in at the borders, and she wants to host all the high ranking families in her court? We have to be ready for the worst type of an outcome.

  "I'll see what I can find out," Nora comments and I smile in response. The party is in two days, so I have until then to get ready. I'm not exactly sure what I will do, but it feels like having an exit strategy is my best bet. I wonder what Derek thinks about all of this. We've been separated since the moment we returned.

  "I'm going to go ahead and wash up," I announce and Nora hurries to grab fresh towels.

  It still surprises me sometimes just how modern this place is. The fae have truly adopted the century the world is residing in, even though time really has no meaning to them. I suppose that's what happens when you live for hundreds of years.

  I accept the towels from Nora and head to the bathroom. A part of me is tempted to soak in the gorgeous bath, but that would make me a little too vulnerable for my liking. So shower it is.

  The moment I'm under the warm spray, I let my mind focus on creating a to-do list. If I'm to have a way out, I need some supplies. Maybe Nora can find me another one of those handy over the shoulder bags I had to leave behind at Hannah's.

  The more I think about leaving, the more I think I need to do that anyway. Being in Spring Court has yielded me no help. Maybe there's a way I can go back to Hannah's. Or better yet, I can get out of Faery all together and find a better place to hide. Although I'm not exactly sure where that would be. The Ancients seem to be able to find me anywhere.

  I suppress the shiver that runs down my spine at the thought of the creatures. The last dream, or vision, that I had with them is still sitting heavily on my mind and heart. No matter how mad I might be at my parents, I want them protected at all cost. And that's exactly how far the Ancients are willing to go to get what they want, so it's a no win situation for me. Unless I can figure something out.

  It feels like I'm missing crucial information. Even after reading the page from the fae book, there's so much I don't know. But I do feel more connected to it all. That scares me all in itself. Every single day I think that I'm getting closer to losing complete control. I'm a bomb waiting to go off, and someone has already lit the wick.

  Chapter 15

  The next two days go by in a blur of activity. The preparations for the ball continue, as if the whole existence of the court depends on the success of it. I can't say that's making me feel any better. About anything that's going on.

  Derek has been completely missing in action. I saw him once across the courtyard, but he barely just met my eye, before disappearing again. I've been training with Julian instead. He's a great sparring partner, but he's no Derek. I try not to let his absence bother me. I have more pressing issues to deal with anyway.

  Nora has been great at prepping my to-go back, if the need arises. I'm not sure when I decided to trust her, but we've become almost like friends. She spends all her time with me, and I know that's partially because she's been assigned to watch me. But there's also an actual friendship forming between us. Just like there is one with Julian.

  These fae are so different from anything I've ever imagined, it's hard to reconcile with the image sometimes. I'm still careful, but even so, I've allowed myself to really be present when I'm with them.

  "What would you like me to do with your hair?" Nora asks, after I've showered and moisturized. The one thing I do enjoy about fae, to a point, is their vanity. Because of it, I have access to the best oils in the world. Since I have to wear such a revealing dress, I want to make sure my skin glows.

  It feels very strange having such vain thoughts, if I'm being honest.

  "I think down and straight will be fine," I reply, sitting down in front of the vanity mirror, as Nora takes her position behind me.

  "Are you sure about the no curls?"

  "Okay, how about waves?" I ask, with a smile. Nora really enjoy this part of her job, and I kind of want to give her the chance to do it. She beams at me, before taking the damp strands into her hands. She brushes my hair out, before using her hands and magic to dry it and give it a slight wave. I have no desire to wear paint on my face, like I've seen other fae do, and I'm thankful that wasn't a requirement from the queen. Instead, I just dab on two coats of mascara, accenting my already long lashes, and leave it at that.

  Since coming to Faery, and especially after my fae powers began emerging, my features have sharpened in a way. My eyes are brighter, my cheeks carry the glow of an artistically applies highlighter. Even my eyebrows don't need any filling in. They're still my features, but more vivid somehow.

  But the process of applying the mascara calms me in a way, giving me a sense of normalcy I've been so desperately craving. I'm not even sure where such a human object came from, but I'm happy to hold it in my hands.

  "What do you think?" Nora asks, and I glance into the mirror to see her smiling at me. My hair is shiny, with a barely there wave that makes it fall gracefully around my shoulders. The green streak that appeared after I used my fae magic for the first time fits me somehow, mixing with my dark brown hair.

  "You did a great job," I say, receiving a quick squeeze on my shoulder from the excitement.

  "Come, let's get you into this dress."

  I stand dropping my robe from my shoulders, as Nora holds out the dress. In the time that I've spent here, I've definitely become more comfortable in my own skin. I think it's a combination of things. The training has definitely helped me to feel more confident. But it's also just my mindset. So much is placed on my shoulders and if I don't believe in myself, no-one else will. Making a plan and making progress has helped me see that I can handle this. And I hold on to that ray of sunshine of a thought as hard as I can.

  The material is silky against my skin and it sends a dance of goosebumps down my arms. The back of the dress is lower than I would like, but it also makes me feel good somehow. Once the dress settles over my hips, I run my hands down the sides, enjoying the feel of it. That's when I realize something awesome.

  "I didn't know you added pockets?"

  "Only on the right side. And it's more of a slit than a pocket. I know you'll want to be armed."

  Curious, I watch as Nora walks over to my vanity table and pulls out something from the top drawer. It's looks like a leather belt, but when I look closer I realize exactly what it is.

  "Where did you get that?"

  "Derek wanted to make sure you had it."

  I pull the dress up and slide the leather band over my upper thigh. It sits there comfortably, and when I slip the knife into the sheath, I feel stronger. The dress falls down over my legs, and then I place my hand in my pocket. When I do, I feel the knife there, and the opening is perfect for me to reach it if I need it.

  "This is incredible."

  "Glad you think so."

  When I turn and look at myself in the long mirror I'm surprised by how right I look. As if I belong here, with my hair falling across my naked shoulders, the knife strapped to my thigh. The fact that Derek wanted to make sure I had it warms my heart, but I don't comment on it. I push that away and focus on the task at hand.

  Tonight is going to be a long and interesting night. I can feel it.

  When it's time to head to the main hall where the majority of the festivities will be held, Nora leads me out. Even though I've been preparing for this mentally, and physically, for days, I'm still nervous. It would be very dumb of me not to be. This allows me to stay on my toes. At least, I hope it does.

  Which is why I realize we're not heading toward the hall when we leave my room behind.


  "Trust me, Avery."

  Since I haven't had a reason not to before, I don't say anything. But my hand is in my pocket, reaching for the knife just in case. When Nora turns, veering off the main hallway, I realize where we're going. The courtyard opens up in front of us and it looks much like it did in my vision.

  The trees are bigger and the flowers are in full bloom, sending the whole area into an eerie glow. It's beautiful, and a bit frightening, all at the same time.

  "What am I doing here?" I ask Nora, but she doesn't reply. Just nods her head in the direction of the courtyard. So I have no choice but to leave her behind and walk into the garden.

  I feel him before I see him. He's standing near one of the trees at the back of the yard, his dark suit accenting his broad shoulders. He turns, even though I'm sure I haven't made a sound,
as if he's sensing me as well.



  I stop a few feet in front of him and honestly, I don't know what to say besides his name. He looks incredibly handsome in his suit, which I now can see is dark blue. The light shirt underneath is unbuttoned at the throat, and it's such a small detail, but it makes it so much more him. His hair is slicked back at the sides, but even so, he doesn't look quite as polished as he might be trying to be.

  "You've been avoiding me," I say, deciding on the direct approach.

  "It was necessary."

  "How so?"

  "The queen commanded it. I could not disobey."

  There he goes with his formal speech again. It makes him sound so unapproachable, which is probably what he's going for. Except, he's the one who brought me here.

  "So what now? You're allowed to talk to me?"


  The one word answer surprises me. Because I truly did not think he could go against a direct order from the queen. But then I notice the visible strain on him and that makes sense. He's breaking her command and it's costing him. I just don't understand why.

  "What's going on, Derek?"

  He doesn't answer right away, as if he's trying to find the right words. Or trying to push them past his lips. I really have no idea how faery magic affects this whole situation. But it was important enough for him to try, so I wait him out.

  "I want you to be ready, Avery," he finally says, taking the slightest step toward me. "Faery revels are—they are not for the faint of heart. I know—“ he hurries on to add, as if he realizes what he just implied, "I know you can handle yourself. But be on the lookout. Don't...don't eat or drink anything, unless Nora or Julian hands it to you."

  I notice how he doesn't put himself in that category.

  "Where will you be?"

  "Near the queen. I am to be beside her the whole evening, unless she commands otherwise."

  The anger I feel towards that fae is finding new heights. I hate how she manipulates everything and everyone around her. The power she holds over her son breaks my heart. Because she uses it, to her own benefit. Someone really needs to teach her a lesson. Or better yet, give her a taste of her own medicine.