Witch Condemned Read online

Page 8

  Eric doesn't speak up at first, muling that over. I can get into a lot of trouble admitting something like that, but it's not like I'm not in enough trouble already.

  "That's some next level magic," he finally comments, meeting my eye once more.

  "Apparently, I've got some of that. Because it worked. I blasted out of the holding cell and went right after him. Not even a day later, he was hanging out on the other side of town, stalking his next victim. I got there and I called the Enforcers. I knew I was in trouble, but they could at least pull him in for questioning. And if I could find his magic in the spell, I knew they could too."

  "But they didn't."

  "No." I glance down at my hands, curling them over the comforter. "Somehow my magic was all over Kelsey and that's what called to them in the first place.

  "And when they got to where I was waiting, they didn't even bother with the man. They went straight for me. And his face, Eric. His smug smile is what made me lose it. I'll never forget how I felt. It was pure unadulterated rage and I let lose. I blasted him right where he was standing."

  "What happened next?"

  "I woke up in the holding cell, in transport to Blackwood Supernatural Prison. That's all it took for them to lock me up and throw away the key."

  We sit quietly, thinking over what I just said and I realize there is a lot in my story that doesn't add up. But maybe now I can have a chance of figuring out what happened and why Kelsey had to die. I have no idea what Eric is thinking and I don't pry. But after a few minutes, he looks me in the eye and asks,

  "Are you up for a trip?"

  An hour later, Eric and I are once again in Tom's office. I didn't even realize I slept for about five hours before my dream woke me up, but even though it's not enough, I'm ready for whatever is next. Sitting in one place is going to drive me crazy. And I think that's why Eric isn't leaving me out of this mission.

  "She shouldn't be going anywhere." Tom protests when Eric says he wants me to go with him. "No offense, Cordelia. But you are a fugitive."

  "With all due respect," I speak up, waving Eric off as he's about to say something, "But I'm a fugitive if I stay here. This way, I can help. And I'm doing something. Please don't lock me up again."

  I don't plan on saying those last few words, but they're out before I can stop them. Tom's eyes fill with pity, but he doesn't call me out on it and for that I'm thankful. I'm way too vulnerable right now and I really need to knock it off.

  "If you go with Eric, you have to follow his lead. Through and through."


  I try not to appear overly eager, but I don't hide it real well. I'm finally going to do something about my situation. Tom bids us a goodbye and I follow Eric out to the main walkway. Mitch and Letty are already there, waiting.

  "So shall we get this show on the road?" The big guy asks, grinning. I can't help but smile in return.

  "Are you sure you're up for this?" Letty asks, as Eric and Mitch take off walking and the two of us fall behind. Giving the girl beside me a quick glance, I decide to answer honestly.

  "I don't know. But I know I can't sit on the sidelines. Especially now."

  "You don't think that staying here would be safer?"

  "Maybe. But it will also be the wrong place for me. That, I know without a doubt."

  Letty leaves it at that, and we hurry after the boys in silence. There are people practicing their magic as we walk by and I can't help but stare. The small tornadoes over the water bowls are mesmerizing.

  "Does everyone have to learn how to do that?" I ask, pointing at the group.

  "Yes. It teaches the elemental control." Letty replies, with a small smile.

  "What if you're not an elemental?"

  True, most witches are. They usually have control of at least one element. But some posses extra qualities that allows them to wield other types of power. Those are rare and mostly elder. I haven't met any witches my age who can travel through time, but I've heard of it.

  "Even if you're not, there is still a lesson to be learned in the how." Letty replies, breaking in through my thoughts. "When we return, we can try it."

  "I would probably just evaporate the water," I comment, raising my hand and forming a tiny ball of fire in the palm. Letty grins at the sight, before looking up at me.

  "You probably would. But that's where learning control comes in. That's the best part about this place. We're all so different, but we can still apply each other's magic principles to our own, and it actually helps."

  We come to an area with stocked with weapons and supplies. It takes me a second to take it all in, because up until this point I really didn't realize just how much of a training compound this was. I have so many questions, but we keep moving from one place to the next and I don't have the opportunity to ask any.

  "Do you need anything from your room?" Eric asks, turning to me as he slides a knife into a sheath. I glance down at myself, and then up with a shake of my head.

  "I don't actually own anything."

  He nods, before turning back to assessing the weapons. It's true what I said, even the clothes on my back isn't mind. Although, the dark jeans and t-shirt fit me perfectly, as I've picked them out myself. So do the combat boots and the jacket for that matter. I'm not going to ask questions. It has to be magic.

  "Come pick your poison," Mitch calls out and I look over to him waving me forward toward the table. Maybe I'm a little too eager, but I almost skip over to him. The surface is covered with different types of knives, throwing stars, and a few swords. While there's nothing in our manual against using guns, they're not affective enough when it comes to other creatures. It's much more effective slicing them with one of the swords. That takes care of everything.

  Reaching over, I grab a set of two knives. One is about the length of my hand, the other fits from wrist to my elbow.

  "Here," Eric hands me a sheath and our hands brush when I take it from him. There's that moment of electricity and then it's gone.


  I undo my belt and loop the sheath through it, before tightening it again. The knife now rests at my lower back, with easy access, but covered by my shirt and jacket. The other knife goes in my boot, and the moment it does, I feel better somehow.

  This was going to be my whole life. I was going to be a Protector. Weapons have been my companions longer than I can remember and now that I'm armed again, it's almost like coming home.

  Chapter 15

  We leave the compound behind a few minutes later, getting into one of the cars parked a few blocks from the building. Everything is so planned out and secretive, no wonder I've never heard of this place or the society.

  "Where exactly are we going?" I ask, once we're all settled in the car. Somehow I end up in the passenger seat, with Eric driving, while the other two get in the back. Even when I motioned for Mitch to get up front, he just shook his head and got in the back.

  "Letty, you want to fill us in," Eric says, glancing at the rear view mirror. The girl doesn't hesitate.

  "There is an abandoned factory on the other side of town that has been throwing off some serious magical readings in the last week. A few scouts have been sent to the area, but they have been unable to find anything. We're to make camp across the street and wait it out. From current readings, something is happening in the next ten hours or so."

  "Current readings?" I turn to glance at Letty and she nods.

  "We have a few oracles on staff."

  Ah, that explains it. They'd be able to sense energy movements in near future, even if they can't see the future itself. I've met an oracle once and he was the strangest man ever. He's only ever seen four complete visions, but he could read magic like no other. Just by looking at you he could tell you with one was your strongest element. He used to come to grade school to help kids figure out where they should be placed.

  "So that's what you guys do? Follow magical outburst of energy to make sure it's not dangerous?"

"Sometimes," Letty replies. She's definitely the voice of the group, which is kind of interesting. The boys respect her and I wonder if it has something to do with her portal magic or if she's earned it some other way. "Recently we've been tracking movements of the king sympathizers. More and more of them are rising all over the world. There's definitely something happening, we just don't know what."

  We fall into silence then, as I mull over the information. There have been plenty of big and bad creatures during the time of the worlds. A realms close to ours just defeated the infamous Baba Yaga. So we keep a very close eye on prophecies, that I know.

  The king has always been just that, the king. There was never a name to him, just his complete desire to destroy everything in his path. I remember hearing stories when I was a kid about a great evil rising and consuming all magic for his own. Every single world has a similar story, because evil always exists in the midst of good. The balance has to be there for the machine to run. At least that's what my mom used to tell me.

  A brief thought about my parents brings a shot of sadness to my heart. They must be worried out of their minds by now. I'm sure the prison has notified them by now. And there are probably Enforcers stations around my home, just in case I'm stupid enough to show up. No matter how much I want to see them, that's one thing I won't be doing until all of this is over. It's safer for them that way.

  It's another thirty minutes before we reach the area where we're going to abandon the car. Once we park, Mitch and Letty go one way and Eric and I go another. The three of them don't seem to need constant communication. Their process is like a practiced dance.

  "We're separating?"

  "It's better that way. Easier to blend in."

  Eric, the man of few words. I think it's extra frustrating to me because Kelsey was always super talkative. Which means I never had to be the one to pry information from her. But that's exactly what I have to do here if I'm to learn anything.

  "What are we going to do when we get there?"

  "Settle in and wait."

  "And then what?"

  Eric glances at me then, before returning his gaze to our surroundings. I'm doing the same thing, but it doesn't mean I can't be aware of what's going on around me and annoy my companion. I'm good at multitasking after all.

  "Then we wait some more."

  That makes me stop in my tracks.

  "Eric, are you actually making a joke?"

  "Absolutely not," he throws over his shoulder, but I swear I hear a smile in his voice. I already decided I'm going to see one of those one of these days. I guess I'm getting closer.

  "Just because you say it, doesn't mean you mean it." I comment as we come up to where Mitch and Letty are waiting.

  "Just because I don't say, doesn't mean I don't mean it either." Eric replies, giving me a quick glance.

  "So we're talking logistics now?"

  "Apparently we are."

  Mitch and Letty glance between us, as I roll my eyes. This guy is really getting under my skin and I can't seem to stop it.

  "You guys okay?" Mitch asks, amusement clear on his feature. Eric just grunts in responds and leads us into the building.

  Eric and Letty spread out the moment we're inside the room. The building across the street from the warehouse is an old abandoned apartment structure, so it works out even better than we hoped. I let my magic out across the space, making sure there are no hidden traps, but I don't go full blast. I don't want to alert anyone else that we're here.

  There's some furniture, but other than that it's a front room, an arch way, and then dining area, with the kitchen attached. From my spot I see a small corridor and I assume the bedroom is in there. Which is the direction Eric heads.

  "So would you say it was love at first sight?" Mitch asks, sprawling out on the couch as if he owns the place. There's something about these shifters, they seem comfortable no matter where they are. Even this mostly abandoned studio. At first I'm not sure what he's talking about and then it dawns on me.

  "I don't believe in love at first sight," I reply, giving him one of my half smiles. "But I'm all about hate at a first glance."

  Mitch laughs, the sound is rich and hearty and this time the smile on lips is genuine. I can see why Eric and him are close. Mitch has a way of lightness about him that Eric definitely does not. The broody shifter always seems to be carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.

  "I like you, Cordelia Keller," Mitch comments now, pointing his finger at me. I roll my eyes, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't pleased. It's been a long time since anyone liked me for just being me. Since everything happened with Kelsey, I've become a hated person in my community. And it's not like I made any friends while I was in prison either.

  "This is a good spot," Eric states, coming back into the room. He gives Mitch a pointed look, but the shifter doesn't move. Eric glances between the two of us and then moves toward the dining area with Letty. There's no doubt he heard my exchange, but it's not like he can blame me. He's not the easiest nut to crack.

  "So how did you get into this?" I ask, turning my attention back to Mitch. The big guy doesn't miss the way I look at Eric and a knowing gleam comes into his eye. I roll my eyes, just for his benefit, and he doesn't comment.

  "We were all recruited. Instead of going to the academy, we're here."

  "How did that happen?"

  "Well, Eric..." the slight pause and glance at the other shifter tells me that Mitch is definitely hiding something. "He was recruited first and he made sure I got noticed. We're from the same pack, so it only made sense."

  "Eric is your alpha, isn't he?" I put two and two together. He carries himself as such, that much I can see. I'm not around shifters often enough to know this information right away but I know I hit the nail on the head. Mitch gives me a little nod, but he doesn't elaborate. Which of course makes me curious. Maybe Eric has layers under all that broodiness too. A part of me wants to push, but I decide against it.

  "What about Letty?"

  "We grew up in the same town actually," Mitch replies, flashing me a quick smile. I think he's happy to move on from the subject of Eric as well.

  "But you're a shifter and she's a witch. You're telling me you were...friends?"

  "We were. The town is actually very open minded about such things, and shifters and witches aren't enemies."


  I can't help but think of my own town and all it's rules. The coven there was very vocal about staying away from all shifters and all fae. Two species of supernatural that they couldn't stand and would never trust. Without meaning to, my eyes find Eric and I see that he's already watching me. But once my eyes meet his, he turns away, back to staring out the window.

  I really have no idea what's going on between me and the shifter, but I have to keep myself focused. Before something terrible happens.

  Chapter 16

  The second before it hits I feel it.

  "Take cover!" I shout, and pure instinct drives them to the floor right as a blast of magic shatters the door. I'm the closest to the impact, and my body slides ten feet before the wall stops me. Wind knocked out of me, I lay for a second, before I push myself to focus.

  Another blast works its way into the room, but I push my own magic at it, slamming it back. There's a scream from outside, and then I'm scrambling to my feet, looking for the rest of the team.

  "Where's Eric and Mitch?" I yell, when my eyes land on Letty getting to her feet. She looks around frantically, before tripping over things and rushing to the right. Debris is getting moved as I walk back over to their side of the room.

  With a quick glance, I see the boys getting to their feet, so I turn my attention back to the ambush. I can feel them moving around outside, but I can't quite pinpoint how many there are. The magic inside of me is begging to be set free. My mind runs through all the possible spells I can cast and I can't find one for a shield. Not the type we would need to get out of here.

  But th
en another wave comes, and I don't hesitate to push my own magic at it. They slam together, pushing me back a few feet, but I hold steady. Then, as if they were using it as a distraction, the people descend on us.

  Suddenly, there are four people coming in through the back, and I wonder if they smashed a hole in one of the walls to sneak up on us. I turn just in time to watch Mitch send one of the guys flying, before I feel a tug on my magic. Twisting around I'm a second too late as a man materializes in front of me, punching me straight in the gut.

  I bend over hard, and he grabs my hair, pulling me up so he can deliver another punch. But this time I'm ready. I didn't train for most of my life to be the last in the academy. I trained to be first.

  I slam my heel into my attacker's foot, before brining my knee up to his groin. He yelps, dropping my hair, and I deliver another kick, this time straight at his knee. He screams in pain as the bone shatters, dropping to the floor. I don't get a chance to catch my breath as another attacker rushes at me.

  Spinning around, I slam my arm to the back of his neck. He pitches forward from the impact, before I finish my spin with a kick at his chest. He flies back, slamming into another attacker coming into the room. But before I can move, someone grabs me from behind, lifting me straight off the floor.

  Instinctually, I kick back before I let my body go slack, and we slam to the floor together. My attacker unwraps his arms from around me, and I roll out of his embrace. Without a second to waste, I push myself forward, tumbling over my head, and slamming my leg over the attackers stomach. Then I twist my body, still holding myself on my hand, and deliver a kick to his face. He's out like a light.

  My eyes take in the rest of the room, now in shambles, with random bodies laying around. My new friends are holding their own, each pretty good at the hand to hand combat. The shifters are already stronger than regular humans, and at this, they're stronger than witches. But Letty isn't bad either. I send a blast of fire at a guy creeping up on her and she gives me a quick grin.