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Witch Unchained (Blackwood Supernatural Prison Book 2) Read online

Page 2

  "Go that way."

  "I need to return..."

  "I got it."

  He moves down the steps and toward the crowds as I walk to the sidewalk. A moment later, he stops and bends to the ground right in front of the man I took the phone from. Eric pretends to pick it up and hands it to the tourist before moving away. When he reaches me, I have to ask.

  "How did you know?"

  "I could feel your magic on him."

  He doesn't explain further, just power-walks back to the apartment. Okay, maybe not power-walks, but his legs are much longer than mine. It's hard for me to keep up without appearing like I'm running. He's not happy with me, but get in line on that particular emotion, mister. I'm not happy with him either.

  "Don't do that again," Eric says the moment we're inside the apartment. I don't answer right away. Instead, I give him one hard look before pushing past him and marching to the kitchen. After finding a glass and drinking some water, I feel a little steadier. He gets me so riled up. I didn't know my tempter could be so out of control.

  My parents said I could trust the task force, that I could trust the people involved. Yes, I was looking for reassurance, but even so, I'm not sure I can just forget everything that has transpired. It definitely doesn't mean I'm going to drop everything and hand my trust over. Especially with Eric. Although, I thought we were making progress on our so-called relationship. But I guess we're back to him barking orders at me.

  When I step back inside the main room, he's standing by the windows again. The curtains are drawn, so I have no idea what he's looking at. But this has to stop. I can't keep doing this hot and cold routine. We have to find some common ground.

  "What do you want from me, Eric?"

  He turns at my words, his eyes latching onto mine. For a second there, I think I glimpse some emotion, but it's gone before I can fully understand it. As usual. He keeps himself more closely guarded than anyone I've ever met.

  "It doesn't matter what I want." His softly spoken words freeze whatever other outburst I'm working up to. "You have to stay in line. There are rules. Those are to be followed."

  And just like that, any notion I had about trying to make amends evaporates. The anger returns.

  "You cannot tell me what to do."

  "It's not about me telling you anything," he snaps, finally some emotion slipping past that stoic look of his. "If we're to survive, you have to stay inside the boundaries."

  "I'm not the type of person who colors inside the lines."

  "Well, become that type of a person because I don't have time to play babysitter."

  With that, something clicks inside of me. Narrowing my eyes, I take a step forward.

  "Are you playing babysitter? Have you been assigned to watch me?"

  He throws a glare my way, but it doesn't change the fact that I can see the truth in his eyes.

  "Unbelievable!" I throw my hands in the air, really missing my punching bag right about now. "I traded one prison for another."

  "Don't be so dramatic."

  "Stop telling me what to do!"

  My anger and magic rise to the surface. I can feel the burn of awareness on my wrist as it reaches the bracelet. Instantly, I glance down and find my hand holding fire.


  "Stop!" I put out my other hand as I continue to watch the fire. I have to find my center before I lose control. The magic is willing me to let it go, to set it free. The bracelet is pushing it out, igniting it when I want it extinguished. My magic, my control is against whatever is driving the relic. A battle rages inside of me, and all I can do is hold on for the ride.

  Then, something happens.

  Glancing up, I find Eric's hand close around my outstretched one. Our eyes meet, and instantly, I find comfort in his. As I watch him, I inhale deeply before exhaling. My heart rate returns to somewhat normal. The magic quietens. We stand like that, frozen in the moment, as the fire goes out. I can breathe again.

  "It’s almost as if it did it on its own," I finally say, pulling my eyes away and glancing at the bracelet.

  "It read your emotions before you realized you were feeling them." Once again, Eric seems to know more than he's saying.

  "How would you know that?"

  "I've read a lot about the relics. While there is nothing definite, there are speculations. I think we just witnessed some truth to at least one of them."

  "Which is?"

  "The relics are somewhat alive."

  Chapter 3

  I have no idea how to react to that bomb, so I do the mature thing and go to bed. My mind is full of questions. My heart is full of confusion. I'd like to say I fall asleep right away and give myself a break from all the madness, but of course, that's not the case.

  Eric is only a few feet away on the couch, and honestly, that distance is way too small.

  Ever since I've met him, I've been ridiculously aware of his presence. It would be foolish to argue that he doesn't feel it too. But today when he said he could feel my magic... that was a whole new experience. We'll have to talk about it at some point, but I can't seem to wrap my mind around any of it.

  The magic he feels.

  Or the magic brewing inside of me.

  Honestly, I can't stop thinking about my connection to him. With everything going on, with Kelsey being alive, that's what my mind chooses to focus on. Turning on my side, my back to him, I retract my right arm from below the covers and stare at the key tattoo. When I was behind the prison's walls, this small ink reminded me of my power. That I wasn't just another prisoner. I had something inside of me that fought against the wards put in place at Blackwood.

  Now, the ink is a reminder I carry with me. Just like Eric is a reminder of where I came from. Everything in my life has been thrown into a tornado, and I don't see a way out of the spin. Turning on my back, I stare up at the ceiling, willing myself to sleep. I know I need it. My body knows it needs it, but my mind won't shut off.

  "Do you know what Maxwell told me?" Eric's voice reaches me through the darkness, and I have the urge to smile. Of course he's just as awake as I am.

  "What did he tell you?" I ask, thinking back to the young man we met in the woods. Even after studying to become a Protector my whole life, I'm still so unlearned in the ways of magic. I didn't even know there were historians or watchers stationed across different magical realms. I've always just assumed each had their own. But in reality, our worlds are all woven together.

  "He met Baba Yaga."

  "What?" That piques my interest. I turn on my side, facing Eric's direction. Of course, I know who the evil enchantress is. She's up there with the Ancients and the king as the big bad we protect our realms from.

  That's one thing we all have in common. It doesn't matter if we're magical or not, or which realm we reside in, there is always going to be good and evil.

  "His best friend, the queen of one of Skazka's largest kingdoms, fought her and won."

  "That's incredible." I sigh, my mind full of imagery of what that would be like. It's a glimpse into what I planned on my life being. "She must be a great warrior."

  I try not to mourn the life I could've had, but it's difficult to turn off those emotions. Especially when it's the only goal I've had in mind. There are a few moments of silence. It seems like Eric is working up to saying something else, so I don't speak up.

  "You know," he finally says. "This is just like any of those quests the Protectors are sent on upon graduation."

  "How do you know about that?" My interest perks up again, and I push myself onto my elbow. I don't have supernatural sight, so I can't see Eric in the darkness. But I have a feeling he's looking at me.

  "I'm not just a pretty face."

  I drop to my back immediately, afraid he'll see how that statement, spoken in his deep voice, washes over me. Sometimes he says things and my body ignites. He's definitely a pretty face, but I'm not about to tell him that.

  "Whatever." I try for nonchalance. "I'm sure you've rea
d about it in one of your books."

  I can't say studying has ever been my strong suit, even though it's a necessity. But this is the second time, or maybe even third, where Eric mentions information he would know only if he did just that.

  "I like books," he comments, answering my unasked question. "They're good sources of information."

  "Yep, that's usually what they're for," I chuckle. "Is that your secret superpower? You're a walking encyclopedia?"

  "Not even close. But I like to know what I'm up against."

  "Like the relics."

  My mind goes back to what he said about them being living, and the response the bracelet had to my emotional state. I'll have to be incredibly careful about my mental health, or we'll be in trouble.

  "I've never thought it be true," Eric continues. I wonder if the cloak of darkness is allowing him this opportunity to be a little more vulnerable. He's not a talker, and he definitely doesn't share. But here he's doing it on his own.

  "I never thought it was possible," I reply.

  "The other parts of the armor must be even more powerful than the bracelet," he continues. "The closer they are in proximity, the more powerful they become."

  "You sound fascinated."

  "And you're not?"

  I raise my arm so I can glance at the bracelet, running a finger over the braided design.

  "Right now, I don't know what I am."

  He doesn't reply to that. I can't believe I actually said something so vulnerable. Maybe the cloak of night is making me a little freer as well. Being open with someone is not my strong suit. After Kelsey, I'm afraid it may never be. Eric is silent so long that I think he's fallen asleep. But then he speaks again.

  "We'll figure it out, Cordy. Get some sleep."

  And somehow, I do.

  When I step out of the bathroom the next morning, Eric is gone.

  Somehow, I don't need to call out and make sure. The apartment feels empty without him here. My eyes scan the space before I head to the kitchen, but he didn't leave a note.

  Standing in the middle of the room, I weigh my options. I don't think he would just abandon me here, so he's coming back. But why wouldn't he tell me he was leaving? Maybe he thought I wouldn't notice if I was still in the shower?

  After what happened with Kelsey, I really can’t be blamed for being suspicious. He repeatedly told me to stay inside and keep a low profile and then he does this. When the sound of a door reaches me, I raise my battle magic to my fingertips and slowly walk down the hall. Even before I round the corner, I know it's him.

  "Hello to you too?" Eric says. He glances up to meet my eye after he takes a look at the magic twirling in my palm.

  "You can never be too careful," I shrug. I give him a quick once-over, and that's when I see the bag in his hands.

  "I brought breakfast."

  "I suppose I'll let you live," I reply before turning and walking back toward the kitchen. He follows behind, placing the bag on the table and pulling out the makings of a breakfast.

  "How many people are you feeding?" I ask when he rearranges a few things in front of me.

  "We need our fuel."

  At that, I smile and reach for a burrito.

  We eat in silence because I don't feel like I can ask him what he was up to. I don't believe it was just getting food, and I'm not sure why that's the case. Eric hasn't done anything for me to doubt him. But then again, neither did Kelsey. Until now.

  "Tom called while you were in the shower," Eric says as we finish up our breakfast and head for the door. Shrugging on my jacket, I wait for him to continue. He gives me a quick glance, maybe expecting a hundred questions, but I've been rethinking my strategy. Since I decided not to trust anyone, including Eric, I have to be smarter with my words. Even questions.

  "We're meeting him at another location," Eric continues, locking the door behind us. This time he gives me a puzzled look, but I keep my expression neutral. "He thinks he has a few leads, but we can only be sure with your help."

  He glances down at my bracelet. I have the sudden urge to pull the sleeve of my jacket over it. I'm not sure why I feel so protective, but the need rises up in me before I think too much of it.

  "Lead the way," I finally say. Eric opens his mouth like he's going to say something else, but instead, turns and moves down the stairs. I follow close behind, a small smile on my lips. Clearly my sudden silence is getting to him. I guess it's true what they say. People have a tendency to fill the silence when they're not comfortable with it. Eric is plenty comfortable with it, considering that's all he did when we were in the prison. But I also think he's not used to it from me. And he is hiding something. Of that I am sure. I have no idea how. Maybe my internal security system rebooted, and I can see things more clearly now. Either way, I'm staying on my toes around him.

  When we hit the street, I'm surprised that we turn toward the cruise ships. The river is a bit more restless today. The dark clouds hang low over the city. For some reason, it makes everything that much more beautiful to me. It's majestic against the upcoming storm.

  There are tourists all over, just like yesterday, but they're hurrying along a bit more. No one wants to be caught in a downpour, and that's exactly what it looks like is about to happen. Eric moves through the throng of people. He doesn’t pause to look around, but I know he's completely attuned to his surroundings. Shifter senses and all that. When he reaches the fourth ship, I pause.


  "Come on." He doesn't wait for me to respond but walks right over the plank and onto the ship. I glance around quickly. I don't notice anyone paying any attention to us, so I follow.

  The river is definitely more restless than I thought because I can feel it moving under my feet. My stomach does a flip. I have to catch my breath as the strange feeling washes over me. Eric glances over his shoulder, and I force a smile before hurrying after him.

  The ship itself isn't big. It’s more like a mini cruise ship with only two decks and about one fourth the size. Surprisingly enough, when we pass people, no one stops us. Eric stops when we reach the upper level, knocking on the door to our right. It opens quickly, and we step inside.

  The suit is huge. Much bigger than I imagined to fit on such a small ship. But there is plenty of room and a huge table to the left where Letty and Mitch are standing. Tom greets us from the other side, walking over with a mug of coffee in his hands.


  "What is this?" I ask because I have to. Just hours ago, I wasn't allowed here because it was dangerous, but now we have our own room on a ship.

  "A safe place where we can talk."

  "Explain to me how this is possible."

  "Our organization is much more far reaching than you can imagine."

  That's cryptic and also suspicious. Is it weird that I don't like the word organization? I'm going with no.

  Letty waves from her position near the table. I return the gesture. She and Mitch look happy to see me. Tom just looks...pensive.

  "Where exactly are we going?" I ask, coming up to the table. There are many other questions I could be asking, but I can't be too suspicious. Even though I don't trust any of them, I need them to trust me.

  "The Summer Palace," Letty answers, the excitement clear on her face. That might be a little unusual considering our current situation. But then again, when I think about it, they've been at this for a while. It must be nice to finally have some leads.

  "How do you know anything is there?"

  "We don't actually," Tom replies, coming to stand opposite of me. There's something in his eyes, almost as if he can tell I'm playing some sort of a game. I have to be careful. "But since part of the armor was at the Winter Palace, it's only natural we check its counterpart."

  "Do you think the king's followers will think the same?"

  "We do. Which is why I already sent a few individuals ahead, to keep an eye on the place. So far, nothing seems to be amiss."

  "But that doesn't mean they're not
there." I mumble, but of course everyone hears me.

  "You are correct."

  I glance up at Tom as he speaks. The moment our eyes meet, I can't seem to look away. A slight pressure begins to build up at the back of my head as a dull noise fills my ears. I stare at Tom, unable to do much else. Just when I think the pressure will be too much, Eric steps into my line of sight, shattering the connection.

  "Eric—" There's a soft hiss and everything snaps into place. Tom was trying to see inside my mind. I've heard of such power but have never encountered anyone like him.

  "Are you okay?"

  "You really take this whole knight in shining armor business seriously," I reply, holding a palm to my forehead. It takes a second, but my mind clears, and I step around Eric to face Tom.


  "Thank you," I say to Eric, cutting off whatever else he might've said before turning to Tom. "But next time you have a question for me, ask it, before you try to invade my mind."

  Everyone's attention turns to me instantly, as if I said something I shouldn't have.


  "You felt him in your head?" Mitch asks. I've never heard that low of a volume in his tone before.

  "Well, yes. He was trying to get in."

  "Cordelia, you shouldn't have been able to feel him. You shouldn't know he's even been there," Letty replies. I study each of their faces. They're being serious. I'm not sure what they want me to do here, so I just shrug.

  But this raises a whole lot of questions about my magic. It seems that it's even more haywire than I originally thought. It also sets all of my already blaring alarms into full scale defensive. Clearly, this whole mind invasion thing is a regular occurrence because they all seem okay with it. Except Eric. He seems to be watching me extra intensely. He doesn't have to worry. No way am I letting anyone near my mind again. This just makes me that much more cautious.

  Chapter 4

  I'm sure things aren't going the way Tom planned. There is already a gleam of curiosity in his eye. I can almost see the wheels turning. Instead of waiting for them to ask a ton of questions, I leave and head for the deck of this small ship. Or maybe it’s a yacht. I don't know much about these water vessels to actually know anything besides the fact that it floats.