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Witch Condemned Page 10

  Eric doesn't respond, but I kind of have a feeling he's amused. Which really means I'm closer to making him smile. Since that's my goal in all. It's important to be goal oriented. I half chuckle out loud, receiving a quick glance over the shoulder. I raise my hands in surrender, and keep walking. I might be getting a bit delirious from hunger.

  We come to a fallen tree next, and Eric jumps over it like it's the simplest thing in the world. I narrow my eyes at him, and smile.

  "Show off."

  "Isn't it showing off if it's just who you are?" He calls out from the other side of the tree.

  "Yes. And it's also annoying," I grunt, hoisting myself up over the log. Eric pops up on the other side, reaching for me, and I slide willingly into his arms. We are definitely on a new level of some sort, and maybe it's the fighting side by side, or maybe it's the simple conversation. He stares down at me for a second, before moving away. Yes, definitely a new level.

  "We're here," he calls out, and I hurry to stand beside him. Beyond the trees, I can make out a structure, but I have to really look, because it blends in with it's surroundings.

  "I thought you said it wasn't in our realm?"

  "It's not. It's kind of in an open portal from it's own realm."


  Eric shrugs, before moving forward. "I never said I understood it."

  "Oh, good."

  I don't question it further, as we weave in and out of trees and then, we're finally in the small clearing. The building looks like a standard cabin in the woods wooden structure. But now that I'm here, I can feel the magic of the place. It's an unusual type of magic, one I've never encountered before, and I want to reach out and touch it. The urge grows and vaguely I wonder if that's a protective mechanism built into this place. They have to know if I'm a good witch or a bad witch, after all.

  "What are you doing?" Eric asks, as I raise my hand, reaching out toward the cabin.

  "Saying hello," I reply, just as I form a ball of fire in my palm.

  "Cordy!" But it's too late. The magic burst out of me and slams against the barrier around the cabin, creating a ripple effect. There's a moment of stillness after, as I wait for the other shoe to drop, but then a door opens and guy a few years older than I steps out into the porch.

  "You couldn't have knocked?" He calls out the moment he sees us. "Well, don't just stand there."

  He goes back into the house, and after Eric and I exchange a quick glance, we follow. Not that we really have any other option. This is what we came for, apparently. I have a lot of questions, that's for sure. The magic opens up to let us through, but then it's as if a curtain falls at our backs. I turn to glance behind us, but I can't actually see the spell. Just feel it.

  Once we step inside the cabin, I stop dead in my tracks. The place is massive on the inside. It's the sort of illusion that makes the cabin look small and run down and the inside is that of a mansion. The ceilings are high, the furniture expansive. It's almost like walking the hallways of a museum. It's like I've stepped into another time.

  The guy who stepped out to greet us stands in the middle of the hallway. He appears to be in his early twenties, tall and lean, but also someone who knows a thing or two about life. There's as power about him as well, and I have no doubt he can take care of himself.

  "What brings you here?" He asks, his voice holds a hint of an accent I can't place. I let Eric take the lead on this one.

  "Shelter and information."

  The guy in front of us studies Eric carefully, before transferring his gaze to me.

  "You sent the magic to the barrier?"


  "Pretty impressive magic."

  "So I've been told."

  We stare at each other for a moment longer, and I'm not sure how, but I know he's testing us. Maybe it's some sort of a magical scanning system, I'm not about to question it. I'm already impressed by the display here. After what seems like an hour, the guy smiles, transforming his whole face from handsome to downright gorgeous.

  "I'm Maxwell. You may stay."

  Chapter 19

  Maxwell is not like anyone I've ever met. He leads us to a kitchen, letting us make some sandwiches and tea, and gives us the time to eat. Before he bombards us with questions. We answer each without hesitation, and after half an hour, he seems to relax a bit more.

  "How does this place work exactly?" I ask, as we head to what Maxwell calls his personal domain. I can't get over just how grand everything is in here. Especially since it's the most rundown cabin on the outside.

  "In our world, we have historian stationed at these outposts to help communities with information and safe passage between the worlds. Technically, that is no longer my job description. But I volunteered for the time being."

  "What is your job description now?"

  "An advisor to the queen."

  That makes me sit up straighter. "You have queens here?"

  I mean, we have queens in our realm too, but most of them are human. The only royalty I know of is the fae, but they span across all the worlds, since theirs is a separate realm.

  "We do. She's my best friend so it's an amazing experience in every sense."

  "So why are you here?" I realize how that sounds, so I hurry on to add, "Not that I mean to be rude about it. It just seems like you have options."

  "I do," Maxwell shrugs, giving me that brilliant smile again. "But being a historian has always been what I worked towards and I miss my work sometimes. Her Majesty gives me the opportunity to come out here and do what I do best."

  I can understand that on a personal level. It's why being a Protector has always been the only choice for me. It may be redundant that I keep mourning this aspect of my life, but I'm not sure if it's something I will ever be able to let go. Shanking my head a little, I focus on Maxwell.

  "So you come and stay here whenever you need to?"

  "Yes. It also helps that my girlfriend lives in this world. It's like killing two birds with one stone. That's the saying, right?"

  I nod, smiling back at him and a pang of envy enters my heart for a moment. His whole face lit up at the mention of the girlfriend. I realize that I may never have anyone talk about me like that. Not since I'm either dying while being a fugitive or going back to prison. What a lovely life it turned out to be?

  "Thank you for letting us crash here," Eric says, bringing me back out of my thoughts. It's probably because I'm so tired that I can't seem to hold focus for long. Or maybe it's the sheer fact that everything in my life is changing faster than I can keep up. One of those reasons, for sure.

  "I'll let you get some rest while I hit the books."

  "You sure you don't want help?" I ask, as we stand and motions for us to follow him.

  "Honestly, when it comes to research, I'm much better on my own. I have all the parameters I need to find the information. It just might take some time."

  There's really nothing else to say after that, but, "Thank you."

  Maxwell leads us up the stairs and to a long corridor. He motions to the first door, opening it up to a large bedroom. It looks as expensive as the rest of the house, and the bed is huge.

  "There's a bathroom through there," Maxwell points, "And you can wear any of the clothes in the dresser. You and Cali look to be about the same size, so her clothes will be best."

  "She won't mind?"

  "She would insist on it."

  I say thanks and then look up at Eric. He gives me a long, piercing look, then turns to head out of the room with Maxwell, leaving me alone. There's no use trying to even understand Eric at this point, so I don't waste my energy. I don't hesitate to look for some clothes and head to the showers. Maybe cleaning up and getting a few hours of rest will help me find my footing. Because right now, I feel like I'm walking a tightrope and I'm about to suffer a fall.

  I walk down the stairs, happy to see the place is actually a workout area. When I finally gave up on sleep and went to find Maxwell, he mentioned this was o
ne of his friend's favorite areas of the house. I can see why. There's plenty of room to spread out and enough equipment to keep me busy. Even though my body is still beat up, the restlessness in my veins is driving me insane. My magic needs a workout, just as much the rest of me.

  Walking over to a punching back, I take my stance, bringing my hands in front of my face. The moment my knuckles hit the leather, I can breathe again. It's like the mundane action centers me. When I told Eric I've always been good at combat, I wasn't kidding.

  There were times when I was eight when all my parents wanted me to do was go outside and play with other kids at the playground. And every time I went, I ended up challenging someone to a duel. After a while, my parents stopped pushing me to be some form of regular kid and put me into all the combat classes. I was the youngest kid in a lot of them, but I proved myself.

  It's like there's a particular sort of connection between my magic and the way I fight. Two and two go together and that's where my balance lies.

  A few minutes later, I realize I'm no longer alone. The awareness I feel when Eric is around is unique and I can't understand it no matter how much I try.

  "Maxwell said it's okay to workout down here. It's safe." I say, turning to face Eric at the bottom of the stairs. His arms are crossed in front of him, as if he's contemplating something. Then, coming to a decision, he steps forward.

  "Then, let's see what you got."

  "Are you challenging me?" I ask, wiping at the back of my neck, where sweat drips down from my hair. I look like I mess, but I'm not about to back down from a challenge.

  "It would appear so," Eric replies. And that's all I need to hear as I attack. We've fought before, back in the prison, but I quickly realize a part of him was definitely holding back then. As I rush him, he doesn't hesitate to squat, grab my leg, lift me overhead and slam me to the ground. Even now, the drop is gentle when I finally reach the mat and that irritates me.

  "No holding back, Eric. Show me what you got."

  "I don't want to hurt you."

  "Sure, if that's the story you're sticking too."

  I'm under him, with his arms caging me in, but somehow, I still feel in control. There's something in his eyes, a lightness I've never seen before, and I take full advantage of it. I slam my hands right into his chest, using him as a leverage to get from under him. He stumbles back as I slide backward, and I jump to my feet.

  It's his turn to attack, and when he swings right, I block, before ducking under his left. My legs are the strongest, so I kick out, and his hands come down to block it, once, twice. Yet, I still don't let up. As he brings his hands to block my kick, I swing with my right fist, catching him in the face. He stumbles back and this time I manage to kick one of his knees forward. He goes down on the other, and I rush him. But he's quicker then I and instead of me landing on top of him he catches me midair, spinning me around and dropping me to the floor.

  This time the air leaves my lungs completely. He is a lot stronger than he first let me to believe and somehow that makes him even hotter. I twist my legs, and manage to sweep him off his feet. Yet, he pitches himself forward, dropping on top of me instead of away, like I planned.

  "Here we are again," he comments, his face right over my own, my body completely covered by his.

  "It seems it's your favorite position."

  The words leave my lips before I can stop him and I feel Eric go rigid above me. His eyes flicker down then up and my body feels like it's on fire, from just that one look. Then, he does something that puts him into a whole different category. He smiles.

  It's a tiny lift to the right side of his mouth, but it transforms him into a heart stopping image that I will never forget. All my bravado leaves me like a breath, and I lay there completely at the mercy of this gorgeous guy. If he kisses me now, I may never recover.

  A noise catches both of our attention and we glance over to see Maxwell coming down the stairs, book in hand. The moment he sees us, he freezes, and I think he's about to go back up, when Eric pulls away from me, lifting me with him as he stands.

  "I have a tendency to have very bad timing," Maxwell comments, glancing between the two of us.

  "We were just sparing," I comment, hopefully saving all of us from any embarrassment. Because that's what I'm feeling. I can't believe I thought Eric would kiss me.

  "Sure, well, I have some news." I perk up immediately.

  "I found something that might interest you." Maxwell announces, and I walk over quickly, thankful for the interruption. He gives the two of us a quick glance, before continuing. "There are several ancient artifacts that hold immense power. Every world has their own relics, so to speak. If the king is to rise to power, he needs at least five out of eight. Ideally, he needs them all. But even with five, he'll be unstoppable. He would be able to syphon any magic from any creature and take it as his own."

  Eric and I exchange a glance, complete horror washing over me. If that were to happen, no one would ever be safe. We would all be slaves to him, with no chance of ever regaining power.

  "How do we stop him?"

  "Well," Maxwell closes the book and looks me dead in the eye, "I have no idea. But I would personally start with making sure he doesn't get his hands on those relics."

  Chapter 20

  "I've been in touch with the headquarters. They've been scouring the areas with the most amount of magic, trying to pinpoint the location of a relic. As far as Tom is concerned, there is at least one in the city. It's why the headquarters were setup there in the first place. It would be super helpful to know what these relics are though, wouldn't it?"

  I have never seen Eric so talkative, and I find it a bit hot and very distracting. There's a renewed energy running through him that I find a bit irresistible. He's just as pumped to get to work as I am. Thankfully, Mitch and Letty got back to the compound, so at least we both feel better knowing that. I'm not sure I would be okay if anything happened to them. There are too many individuals on my list already.

  "Do you think it could be in the area we were at? The warehouse was displaying a lot of magic."

  "It's possible, but how would we really know? We'd have to go there and sweep the area, but we don't know if the whole army is residing there now. It would be too dangerous."

  Eric paces across the room in front of Maxwell and I, the two of us exchange a look. Eric is getting more and more agitated and I can understand that. But the fact that I can't figure out a way to help is going to drive me nuts.

  "Tom has the best resources. We sit tight and wait," I finally say, because it's the smartest thing to do. If Eric and I go out and start driving aimlessly around, we'll just run into trouble. This way we can be ready when the time comes. Even though the waiting is going to make me even more restless than I already am.

  It's another few hours before Eric comes to find me outside. I've been sitting at the back porch, staring at the forest. This part of the building is in another realm, the one Maxwell's best friend rules, and it's so gorgeous. Every color here is more vivid, more alive somehow. It's not my nature, but it calls to me anyway. It probably would've helped more to go workout now, but I kind of wanted to be ready to go at the moment's notice.

  "What is it?" I ask, the second he steps outside.

  "Tom thinks he's got something."

  I don't hesitate. Jumping to my feet, I race back through the house to where Maxwell is waiting by the front door.

  "I can portal you back to your car, and you'll need to take it from there."

  "You're a portal keeper?"

  "No. But books are good for a variety of things."

  That brings a smile to my face and a sudden urge to hug him. We've only been here for two days, but I already feel a kingship to this man.

  "Thank you so much for helping us." I say and he grins.

  "It's what I live for." But the way he says it, he’s not being unkind. He means it.

  It doesn't take us long to get going and once we're back at the car, Eri
c calls Letty.

  "Do we know what we're looking for yet?" He asks, without preamble.

  "Hi, Eric. I'm doing great, thank you," I chuckle at her sarcasm, and Eric gives me a quick roll of the eyes. "Hi, Cordelia."

  "Hello Letty. Please tell us what you know."

  "With pleasure," I grin as she dives into information.

  "We think it's a bracelet. From what Tom has been telling us, the relics are parts of an ancient armor. Not really one worn for battle, but for notoriety."

  "Like a king who wears a crown for show."

  "Basically." There's a bit of ruffling on the other end, and then Mitch comes on the line. "Tom says our best bet is to hit the Hermitage."

  "Wait, as in the State Hermitage Museum?" I may not know a lot about Saint Petersburg, but I know the museum that houses the winter palace. It's the second largest art museum in the world and it's been on my list of places to visit for a very long time.

  "That's the one."

  "It's massive," I says, trying to remember the logistics of the place. I remember it's a six building complex and that would take days, if not weeks to search.

  "It is, but since the relic would have a magical signature, we're hoping you can locate it sooner than that."

  "Wait me?" I glance over at Eric, just as he throws a confused look my way.

  "Yes. Tom thinks your magic can pinpoint what we need, without causing too much problems."


  "Because you can cast without writing spells?"

  My heart drops at Letty's words, because I've tried to keep that aspect of my magic as secretive as possible. I don't remember using any spells in Tom's presence, so I have no idea how he would know. The only person that has seen me cast is Eric. He meets my eye then, but he seems as confused as I am.

  "How does Tom know that?" I ask, and it seems like an eternity goes by before Letty answers.

  "He's spoke to your parents."

  It takes me a second to process that, before I snap.